Fish & Game Licenses
All citizens are required to read and review our laws and regulations outlined in H.R. 324 – The Wildlife and Environmental Protection Act
Requirements to Obtain your Fish & Game License
- Must not have any violent felonies on your record in the past 14 days.
- Must not have any convictions of Wildlife & Environmental laws on your record in the past 14 days.
- Confirm that you have read and reviewed the Wilderness Protection Act, Environmental Protection Act, including the State Parks and Hunting Grounds map.
- Review hunting laws with a Park Ranger.
- Show your ID (with CSN) to a Ranger to obtain your license.
Laws & Rules for Hunters
- You must always carry both your fish & game, and gun licenses on you while hunting. If you do not have a valid gun license, you are not allowed to hunt.
- You may not hunt from any vehicle, parked or moving.
- You are never allowed to purchase a hunting rifle for someone else.
- You are never allowed to let others borrow your hunting rifle, either.
- You are allowed to hunt deer, boars, coyotes, bird and rabbits.
- Hunting large game (boar, deer) with a pistol is illegal. (Use a hunting rifle.)
- You are not allowed to hunt cougars (aka mountain lions, or “murder kitties”). You may only shoot them in self-defense, but harvesting them for their meat or pelts is illegal.
- Do not shoot towards roadways, buildings or other people.
- If a park ranger approaches you, shoulder or holster your weapon.
Laws & Rules for Fishers
- You must carry your fish & game license with you while fishing.
- The use of live bait is prohibited within the state of San Andreas.
- The use of toxic bait is prohibited within the state of San Andreas.
Bag Limits
- Hunters may only carry up to 60 meat in their possession at one time. This does not include scraps.
- Hunters may only carry up to 15 pelts in their possession at one time. This does not include scraps.
- Fishers may only carry up to 80 fish in their possession at one time.
- Rangers shall maintain the right to search any persons, any container or receptacle that could be used to contain fish, meat, or pelts, including vehicles, boats, game bags, coolers, etc. This shall only be used in areas under Ranger jurisdiction for those engaged in fishing or hunting and is acceptable due to the fact that hunting and fishing are regulated activities that require government licensing.
- Violation of bag limits can and will lead to criminal charges from the Wildlife & Environmental Code.
Tips for Hunting
- Wear a high-visibility vest for safety.
- Carry a knife with you to skin the animals you’ve hunted. (Knives can be acquired from any Ammunition store.)
- A hunting bag can be acquired from any hardware store to store meat and pelts.
- Meat and pelts can be sold to designated vendors. (Find their locations with your GPS.)
- Drive a vehicle optimized for off-roading.
- Park your vehicle in a safe place (such as on the side of a road or path) and make sure to lock it.
- Carry food and water with you at all times.
- Keep an eye out for mountain lions.
- Keep an eye out for fellow hunters.
- Report any suspicious or illegal activity to rangers.
- Dial 311 for ranger assistance, or 911 if it’s an emergency.
Tips for Fishing
- Lakes, rivers, docks, and shorelines are a wonderful place for new anglers to hone in their skills.
- Deep sea fishing requires special equipment, as well as good experience in fishing.
- Fishing poles can be obtained at any tackle shop.
- Carry food and water with you at all times.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Report any suspicious or illegal activity to Rangers.
- Dial 311 for ranger assistance, or 911 if it’s an emergency.
Fish & Game FAQs
Where can I purchase a knife or hunting rifle?
At any Ammunition store.
Where can I purchase a hunting bag?
At any hardware store.
How much does a hunting rifle/knife/bag cost?
Hunting Rifle – $3000
Knife – $50
Hunting Bag – $100
Fish Cooler – $100
Fishing rod – $200
Deep sea fishing rod – $800
How much does meat/pelts/fish sell for?
Depends. We recommend finding a local vendor via your GPS.
Where can I acquire fishing equipment?
You can buy fishing rods at tackle shops at Paleto Cove and Del Perro Pier.
Skipper Licenses (aka Boating Licenses)
All citizens are required to read and review our laws and regulations outlined in H.R. 324 – The Wildlife and Environmental Protection Act
Requirements to Obtain your Skipper License
- Must not have any violent felonies or Section II Traffic Code charges on your record in the past 14 days.
- No Excessive Speeding charges in the past 14 days.
- Confirm that you have read and reviewed the Wilderness Protection Act
- Review boating laws with a Park Ranger.
- Show your ID (with CSN) to a Ranger to obtain your license.
Laws & Rules for Boating
- Do not go faster than 15mph in any harbor, port, or within 200 ft of a dock or marked swimming area.
- Bigger boat always has the right of way.
- Do not get within 30 ft of another boat without permission or authority.
- Do not intentionally beach your boat, except for emergencies.
- The act of mooring or beaching a vessel in a restricted area is illegal (this includes within 50 ft. of a swimming area, a beach, or on state park grounds).
- Do not intentionally hit other boats with yours. (Don’t play bumper boats.)
- Do not drink and drive.
Tips for Boating
- Boats can be rented at designated areas. (Find their locations using your GPS.)
- Always make sure to dock your boat when finished, whether it’s owned or rented.
- If your boat is stolen, call 911.
- If you need non-emergency Coast Guard assistance, call the parks department at 311.
- Carry extra food and water on you at all time.
- Wear a life jacket, if possible.
Boating FAQs
Where can I rent/buy a boat?
Various locations. Check your GPS.
How much does it cost to buy/rent a boat?
Depends on the type of boat you are interested in. We recommend visiting a rental location or boat dealership for more information.
What do I do if my boat stops working?
Report the stalled/damaged boat to SAPD via 311. If Coast Guard (division of SAPD), EMS or PD is not able to come pick you up, ask a friend if they can rent a boat and come and retrieve you (assuming it’s safe to do so).
Swimming to shore may be okay depending on the area your boat stalls. We do not recommend swimming in deep water areas without diving equipment. Citizens also also advised to keep an eye out for local wildlife, especially dolphins, whales and sharks.
If you experience a medical emergency while on a stalled boat, please contact 911 immediately.
Where can I acquire diving equipment?
You can buy diving gear from scuba shops. There’s one in Chumash. Tackle shops (Paleto Cove and Del Perro Pier) also offer diving equipment.
Where can I acquire fishing equipment?
You can buy fishing rods at tackle shops at Paleto Cove and Del Perro Pier.
Obtaining a Shotgun
- Must have a weapons license. (See PD to obtain this license.)
- Must have a fish & game license. (See SAPD to obtain.)
- Must have a shotgun license. These can be obtained from your local gun shop after the first two requirements are met.
- Obtaining a shotgun license requires you to take a safety and weapons handling course. (Visit your local gun shop to learn more.)
- Shotguns may be used to hunt both small and large game.
- Like all firearms, shotguns may not be brandished unless it is on your own private property.
- Like all firearms, you may only use a shotgun that is registered in your name. Do not purchase or loan out shotguns to other people.
- Your shotgun license will automatically be considered revoked if your fish & game license and gun license has been revoked for any reason.
General FAQs
What does the Parks Department do?
SAPD has several responsibilities, including (but not limited to): enforcing fish & game laws, organizing surveys on local wildlife, administering emergency first aid, leading search and rescue missions, educating the public, and coordinating with other state agencies on topics regarding parks, animals, wildlife, and more.
What is the difference between Park Rangers and Park Employees?
SAPD hires for three different staff teams: Rangers, Employees and Groundkeeping.
Our Park Rangers are an elite force of sworn peace officers dedicated to defending our various nature reserves, state/national parks and hunting grounds across the State of San Andreas. They are authorized to operate as law enforcement in areas outlined in the Wilderness Protection Act as well as respond to issues related to wildlife and animal welfare.
Parks Employees are primarily educators and ambassadors for the Parks department. While they do not operate as law enforcement, they play a pivotal role by providing community resources, planning public events, organizing educational programming, leading conservation studies and issuing fishing, game and skipper licenses.
Groundskeepers help maintain our facilities and keep our parks, hunting grounds and nature reserves accessible and clear of debris. They provide vital tasks such as lawn care, gardening, cleaning, trash collection, building repairs and more.
How do I join the Parks Department?
Please see our Careers page for current job openings.
What is a Junior Ranger?
Junior Ranger stickers are awarded to outstanding citizens who are recognized for their contributions to the parks. Examples may include: cleaning up beaches, clearing trails, volunteering at events, and more.
When will pet adoptions be available?
Our PAW (Pets & Wildlife) team is working diligently to return the animals who were placed under our care during the 2022 Mutiny incident.
New adoptions are currently not available. We do not have a set date for the return of the adoption program at this time.